
2022-07-26 09:38:30.0

分類: Products and Applications

使用Microsoft Word做文書編輯是日常中再正常不過的一件事,但是將文件編寫完成後,做樣式、段落的排版後,想要輸出PDF檔,卻遇到本來該加粗的文句卻無法顯示粗體的困擾嗎?


  1. 使用Word提供的加粗功能是否合宜?
  2. 在Word編輯後,轉存PDF的方式?




這與Word軟體的以及字體產品工程的設定有關係,在字體產品工程的設定中,有一個「OS/2 table / WeightClass」的設定,當字體在這個欄位的設定值與Word不一致時,就會出現在轉存PDF無法顯示字體加粗的效果,此時,若有訂閱Adobe的使用者,使用「儲存為Adobe PDF」或「列印成PDF」一樣無法解決文字加粗效果無法呈現的問題。


Microsoft 對於PDF加粗的回應:Bold font is not shown in pdf output from word
Adobe對於PDF加粗的回應:One of my fonts not in bold when making a PDF

Products and Applications





  1. 在學學生證正反面(需蓋上當期註冊學年章,如未蓋章則不具效力證明)
  2. 在學證明



△: 學生版注意事項


  1. 文鼎iFontCloud雲字庫 繁中旗艦包 教育版
  2. 文鼎iFontCloud雲字庫 繁中旗艦包 進階版(一人授權一年)
  3. 文鼎iFontCloud雲字庫 繁中旗艦包 標準版(一人授權一年)
  4. 文鼎iFontCloud雲字庫 文鼎繁中DC風格包(一人授權一年)

此外,如果您符合政府機關或公立學校等資格,有以下幾個方案可以選購,詳情請參考政府電子採購網 政府電子採購網,也可致電文鼎字型團隊,為您做更詳細的介紹:

  1. 文鼎iFontCloud雲字庫 文鼎繁中DC風格包(一人授權一年)
  2. 文鼎iFontCloud雲字庫 繁中旗艦包 教育版(全校授權一年,國小/國中/高中職,使用人數450以內)
  3. 文鼎iFontCloud雲字庫 繁中旗艦包 教育版(全校授權兩年,國小/國中/高中職,使用人數450以內)
  4. 文鼎iFontCloud雲字庫 繁中旗艦包 教育版(行政人員授權兩年,使用人數15以內)
  5. 文鼎iFontCloud雲字庫 繁中旗艦包 標準版(一人授權一年)


Products and Applications




為了降低使用者用字缺字的機率,文鼎字型以現有Big5-2003字集規格為基礎,參考教育部字頻總表、中研院現代漢語語料庫詞頻統計、網路流行用字以及行銷與客戶服務所累積的資訊,彙整389個漢字,整合成Big5_AR 2021規格,自2021年以後皆以此規格進行新字體產品的開發,早期熱銷、經典的字體亦規劃補字更新,使用者可以透過iFontCloud獲得最新版本的字體使用。(完整的介紹請參考:消除繁體中文缺字的困擾)


如果不是使用注音輸入法或漢語拼音輸入法,有些字符的漢字與部首外型長得一樣,但是實際上分屬於不同的Unicode碼位,就會形成透過輸入法顯示出來的文字誤植成部首字也渾然不知,誤以為是字體缺字。以字符「日」為例,「日」漢字的Unicode碼位是U+65E5,是定義在中日韓統一表意文字(CJK Unified Ideographs)中,另外有一個與其形狀幾乎一樣的「日」,是位於康熙部首字區(Kangxi Radicals)的部首字,它的Unicode碼為是U+2F47,U+2F47其為Unicode於 Unicode 3.0 根據康熙字典的214 個部首按序編排,位於 U+2F00 - U+2FD5當中的一個字元。此區段的字符是用於表示部首使用,不是中日韓統一表意文字區段內的漢字,而繁體中文使用的Big5-2003的規格並沒有完整收錄這些部首字的字符,在這樣的情況下,如果使用標準Big5-2003字集的字體,在輸入U+65E5國字的「日」能夠顯示套用的字體,但是打成U+2F47部首字的「日」則可能會顯示缺字的狀況。


Products and Applications

[文鼎 IN-HOUSE]聖誕快樂篇🎄



[ 文鼎 IN-HOUSE ]










/Imagine prompt :Two boys in white shirts and pants cross the zebra crossing on blue asphalt, in the style of Atey Ghailan and Mary Blair, gouache, blue, white, and gray. --ar 2:3 --s 50 --v 6.1 


/Imagine prompt :Two boys in white shirts and pants cross the zebra crossing on blue asphalt, in the style of Atey Ghailan and Mary Blair, gouache, blue, white, and gray. --ar 2:3 --s 50 --v 6.1 

/Imagine prompt :Top view of a train in the forest, with green and blue colors, in the style of Hikari Shimoda. Yellow flowers and a pastel background on a sunny day, in the style of Mandy Disher. Vibrant colors, in the style of Hiroshi Yoshida, with a vintage poster style and a children's book illustration aesthetic. A pastel palette with bright colors and white space, in high resolution and hyper-realistic. --ar 2:3 --s 50 --v 6.1


/Imagine prompt :Top view of a train in the forest, with green and blue colors, in the style of Hikari Shimoda. Yellow flowers and a pastel background on a sunny day, in the style of Mandy Disher. Vibrant colors, in the style of Hiroshi Yoshida, with a vintage poster style and a children's book illustration aesthetic. A pastel palette with bright colors and white space, in high resolution and hyper-realistic. --ar 2:3 --s 50 --v 6.1


/Imagine prompt :Minimalist illustration of a girl in a blue dress standing on green grass, holding a red flower and looking at a giant door-shaped structure resembling an orange tree, in the style of Edward Hopper. The color scheme is bright, with a minimalistic background in shades of green. --ar 2:3 --s 50 --v 6.1


/Imagine prompt :Minimalist illustration of a girl in a blue dress standing on green grass, holding a red flower and looking at a giant door-shaped structure resembling an orange tree, in the style of Edward Hopper. The color scheme is bright, with a minimalistic background in shades of green. --ar 2:3 --s 50 --v 6.1


/Imagine prompt :A clean, modern design featuring a black shopping basket, inside which are two large, simple geometric shapes: a white circle and a smooth, curved form. The bright red background makes the minimalistic design stand out. No complex lines, very few elements --ar 4:5 --v 6.1 --s 50 


/Imagine prompt :A clean, modern design featuring a black shopping basket, inside which are two large, simple geometric shapes: a white circle and a smooth, curved form. The bright red background makes the minimalistic design stand out. No complex lines, very few elements --ar 4:5 --v 6.1 --s 50 

/Imagine prompt : Abstract minimalist artwork of a shopping basket in black wireframe, filled with geometric shapes like a white circle and spiky star. The bold red background contrasts sharply with the black and white elements, creating a modern, flat design with precise lines and no gradients. --ar 4:5 --v 6.1 --s 50

/Imagine prompt :A child's drawing depicting the interior texture and appearance of Japanese rice with tomato sauce, set against a white background. The artwork features crosshatched line art, with a single brown crayon mark in the center, resembling an eggshell. --ar 7:5 --s 50 --v 6.1 

/Imagine prompt :A child's drawing depicting the interior texture and appearance of Japanese rice with tomato sauce, set against a white background. The artwork features crosshatched line art, with a single brown crayon mark in the center, resembling an eggshell. --ar 7:5 --s 50 --v 6.1 

/Imagine prompt :A child's drawing depicting the interior texture and appearance of Japanese rice with tomato sauce, set against a white background. The artwork features crosshatched line art, with a single brown crayon mark in the center, resembling an eggshell. --ar 7:5 --s 50 --v 6.1 

/Imagine prompt :Risograph, red tomatoes painted in the style of Maud Lewis, very cute tomatoes, abstract simple lines, grainy texture, red and green illustrations, in the style of Picasso, organic shapes, flat illustration, minimalism, white background, geometric shapes, 32K HD --ar 2:3 --s 50 --v 6.1

/Imagine prompt :Risograph, yellow Pineapple painted in the style of Maud Lewis, very cute Pineapples, abstract simple lines, grainy texture, red and green illustrations organic shapes, flat illustration, minimalism, white background, geometric shapes, 32K HD --ar 2:3 --s 50 --v 6.1

/Imagine prompt :A shopping bag made of net, filled with oranges drawn in the style of Matisse. Simple line art drawing, with blue and purple thick lines on a white background, leaving ample white space.  --ar 2:3 --s 50 --v6.1

/Imagine prompt :A vector illustration of an ocean plastic net bag with fish, green vegetables, and orange peels inside in the style of Malik Favre. The design features simple shapes, bold lines, and a minimalistic style, reminiscent of a fun, cute children's book art style. The illustration uses flat colors, without gradients or shadows, and features pastel colors on a tealbackground, resulting in a simple, vector graphic. --ar 2:3 --s 50--v 6.1
