本影片透過Adobe Illustrator來呈現文鼎DC陳森田體的使用方式,演示漢字定距與漢字調合設計排版上視覺的不同。
本影片透過Adobe Illustrator來呈現文鼎DC陳森田體的使用方式,演示漢字定距與漢字調合設計排版上視覺的不同。
在使用Microsoft Word編輯文件時,為了讓文件維持編輯時的排版樣式,通常我們會採用將檔案轉成PDF的方式做保存。但是,從word透過Adobe Acrobat轉存成PDF時,在存檔是不是有遇過跳出錯誤的log訊息?該怎麼解決?
會出現這樣的log訊息,是因為Acrobat在轉存PDF的過程中,找不到文件中使用的字型。我們以在windows作業系統下,在word文件使用iFontCloud雲端字型服務的情境來做說明,iFontCloud雲端字型服務所使用到的字型,其存放位置並非一般認知的 C:windows/Fonts的目錄中,其與過往將字型安裝在系統上的行為不相同,因此造成Acrobat在轉存PDF時出現找不到字型的情況。
我們以Acrobat有提供的方式,為大家解決這個轉檔問題,簡易的操作2個步驟,使用word的Adobe Acrobat存成PDF就能成功囉!
1. 點選「列印」>「印表機內容」
2. 取消勾選「僅依賴系統資型;不使用文件字型」
備註:此篇文章撰寫時間為2021年5月。不保證未來Adobe Acrobat更新或新版本有支援此功能
可變式字型(Variable Fonts)在2016年ATYPI場合發佈,至今已經過了六年,字型開發商的態度有觀望也有積極開發,文鼎字型屬於積極開發可變式字型的中文廠商,最大的產品特色就是開發同時具備繁、簡中文造型的字體產品,在可變式字型的開發方向亦然,目前已經開發超過30套繁、簡中文造型的可變式字型,應用在設計師族群、中國大陸手機商城等領域。
設計師們應該都有過一個經驗,在Adobe Illustrator顏色面版裡,代表灰階的K值有0-100的設定值可以調整,這幾乎將人眼可見的灰階透過數字的方式呈現出來,進一步的若我們需要四色CMYK的色彩,我們也可以分別透過代表每一個色域的滑桿,將所需要的顏色調整出來;而字型,可以用滑桿的方式,讓設計師調整出所需要的字重甚至是字寬以及其他變化嗎?以目前字型技術領域的創新,數位字體設計進入了一個新的時代,我們可以藉由可變式字型的設計,實現設計師用字的想像。
文鼎可變式字型產品的基礎來自於以自有文字引擎開發的文鼎Infinity Font技術,文鼎UD晶熙黑體是第一個採用這個技術的產品,2012年晶熙黑體導入以內差方式開發字重家族,在當時就以可變式字型的概念,結合文鼎晶熙黑體全球字型設計於2013年獲得日本「GOOD DESIGN AWARD」設計獎「GOOD DESIGN Best100」殊榮,這是全球第一套滿足響應式設計(Responsive Design)的CCJ字型產品。
應用上,讓設計師可以透過一個字型檔案,運用變數軸的交互調整,就能夠輕易的獲得不同調性設計案件需求的最佳字型。以設計師常用的Adobe Illustrator操作界面為例,使用者可以在字元面板中點擊「變數字體」按鈕,即可看到上述的變數軸,透過調整滑桿的方式,輕易的找到最佳的字體樣式。
瞭解可變式字型原理設計師應該可以知道,具有四軸可變字式字型的中文產品在設計與開發是有很高的挑戰性,然而,在外部的使用環境也存在著許多的挑戰,最常遇到的是軟體的支援與否(哪些系統、瀏覽器和軟體支援可變式字型(Variable Fonts)?),以及電腦硬體效能是否足夠因應可變字體變化時所需的計算效能。以我們的實際測試,在使用中文可變式字型時,會消耗大量的電腦資源,因此,我們會建議在使用中文可變字體時,盡量以一個標題所需的字數為主,做變數軸調整變化的文字字元數不要太多,以免出現電腦卡頓、誤以為是電腦效能不佳。
[ 文鼎 IN-HOUSE ]結合科技趨勢,文鼎字型全新推出的字體應用專欄 期待與你共同探索設計的新可能 |
/Imagine prompt :Two boys in white shirts and pants cross the zebra crossing on blue asphalt, in the style of Atey Ghailan and Mary Blair, gouache, blue, white, and gray. --ar 2:3 --s 50 --v 6.1 |
/Imagine prompt :Two boys in white shirts and pants cross the zebra crossing on blue asphalt, in the style of Atey Ghailan and Mary Blair, gouache, blue, white, and gray. --ar 2:3 --s 50 --v 6.1 |
/Imagine prompt :Top view of a train in the forest, with green and blue colors, in the style of Hikari Shimoda. Yellow flowers and a pastel background on a sunny day, in the style of Mandy Disher. Vibrant colors, in the style of Hiroshi Yoshida, with a vintage poster style and a children's book illustration aesthetic. A pastel palette with bright colors and white space, in high resolution and hyper-realistic. --ar 2:3 --s 50 --v 6.1 |
/Imagine prompt :Top view of a train in the forest, with green and blue colors, in the style of Hikari Shimoda. Yellow flowers and a pastel background on a sunny day, in the style of Mandy Disher. Vibrant colors, in the style of Hiroshi Yoshida, with a vintage poster style and a children's book illustration aesthetic. A pastel palette with bright colors and white space, in high resolution and hyper-realistic. --ar 2:3 --s 50 --v 6.1 |
/Imagine prompt :Minimalist illustration of a girl in a blue dress standing on green grass, holding a red flower and looking at a giant door-shaped structure resembling an orange tree, in the style of Edward Hopper. The color scheme is bright, with a minimalistic background in shades of green. --ar 2:3 --s 50 --v 6.1 |
/Imagine prompt :Minimalist illustration of a girl in a blue dress standing on green grass, holding a red flower and looking at a giant door-shaped structure resembling an orange tree, in the style of Edward Hopper. The color scheme is bright, with a minimalistic background in shades of green. --ar 2:3 --s 50 --v 6.1 |
/Imagine prompt :A clean, modern design featuring a black shopping basket, inside which are two large, simple geometric shapes: a white circle and a smooth, curved form. The bright red background makes the minimalistic design stand out. No complex lines, very few elements --ar 4:5 --v 6.1 --s 50 |
/Imagine prompt :A clean, modern design featuring a black shopping basket, inside which are two large, simple geometric shapes: a white circle and a smooth, curved form. The bright red background makes the minimalistic design stand out. No complex lines, very few elements --ar 4:5 --v 6.1 --s 50 |
/Imagine prompt : Abstract minimalist artwork of a shopping basket in black wireframe, filled with geometric shapes like a white circle and spiky star. The bold red background contrasts sharply with the black and white elements, creating a modern, flat design with precise lines and no gradients. --ar 4:5 --v 6.1 --s 50 |
/Imagine prompt :A child's drawing depicting the interior texture and appearance of Japanese rice with tomato sauce, set against a white background. The artwork features crosshatched line art, with a single brown crayon mark in the center, resembling an eggshell. --ar 7:5 --s 50 --v 6.1 |
/Imagine prompt :A child's drawing depicting the interior texture and appearance of Japanese rice with tomato sauce, set against a white background. The artwork features crosshatched line art, with a single brown crayon mark in the center, resembling an eggshell. --ar 7:5 --s 50 --v 6.1 |
/Imagine prompt :A child's drawing depicting the interior texture and appearance of Japanese rice with tomato sauce, set against a white background. The artwork features crosshatched line art, with a single brown crayon mark in the center, resembling an eggshell. --ar 7:5 --s 50 --v 6.1 |
/Imagine prompt :Risograph, red tomatoes painted in the style of Maud Lewis, very cute tomatoes, abstract simple lines, grainy texture, red and green illustrations, in the style of Picasso, organic shapes, flat illustration, minimalism, white background, geometric shapes, 32K HD --ar 2:3 --s 50 --v 6.1 |
/Imagine prompt :Risograph, yellow Pineapple painted in the style of Maud Lewis, very cute Pineapples, abstract simple lines, grainy texture, red and green illustrations organic shapes, flat illustration, minimalism, white background, geometric shapes, 32K HD --ar 2:3 --s 50 --v 6.1 |
/Imagine prompt :A shopping bag made of net, filled with oranges drawn in the style of Matisse. Simple line art drawing, with blue and purple thick lines on a white background, leaving ample white space. --ar 2:3 --s 50 --v6.1 |
/Imagine prompt :A vector illustration of an ocean plastic net bag with fish, green vegetables, and orange peels inside in the style of Malik Favre. The design features simple shapes, bold lines, and a minimalistic style, reminiscent of a fun, cute children's book art style. The illustration uses flat colors, without gradients or shadows, and features pastel colors on a tealbackground, resulting in a simple, vector graphic. --ar 2:3 --s 50--v 6.1 |
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